Tuesday 8 October 2013

What a blooming day!

Ok, so I'm not really sure what to write about tonight. We'll see where this takes us shall we?

The day started off a bit manic, I rung the dentist at 8.30am (in my undies if I'm honest!) and the only time they could see me was at 9am! Cue calm but fast (Amelia-Rose does not respond to rush!) frenzy to get dressed, do my hair and get Amelia-Rose dressed and be out the door and on the other side of town in 30 minutes. We were victorious though and I got there on time! Hoora!

I have been put on antibiotics for 5 days but then I am on my own! Eeeeek! You see the dentist can see from the outside that clearly there is some kind of infection in my jaw/tooth but it isn't coming up on the x-ray and until she knows exactly where it is there is nothing she can do. So, I have 5 days to 'treat the symptoms' but we actually need it to develop so we can treat the cause! I have to go back in three weeks.

When I got back I made some biscuits and started a new food blog www.theverybendybaker.blogspot.co.uk I thought it would be fun to have somewhere to post all my recipes and it keeps them off this page then.

I got to plant most of my tulip and daff bulbs today with mum which was nice. I am excited to see them all come through in spring. I've gone a bit crazy with the tulip bulbs but it will be worth it. Our garden is going to be blooming wonderful!

Blooming. I wonder if I am going through a blooming stage in my life at the moment? I feel most probably I am at that point where the bulb has sprouted and the stem grown but the beautiful blooming flower is still safely tucked away inside the petals.

I don't know though, maybe in 5 years time I will look back on this time and think 'Yup, you were blooming then'. I know now when I reflect on the years gone by I was blooming at times when I didn't necessarily think I was.

I wonder sometimes how differently life would have turned out if I had made different decisions and taken different paths but I am so grateful that I took the ones I did. Would it have been nice to travel around Canada or go and work in America? Sure it would have but if this period of illness was an unchangeable aspect of my life would a travelling buddy have cared for me in the way Tony has? No. Would photo's of sunsets make me smile inside and out in the way Amelia-Rose does? Definitely not.

I believe every word I have spoken, every turn I have made, every decision I have mulled over, every leap of faith I have thrown myself into to, every step I have taken has led me exactly where I am right now and this is where I am meant to be to give me the strength I need to succeed in spite of my health.

When I was ten my mum and I went to stay with our friends in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. One day we went to a farmers market and there was a chap there busking. He was absolutely fantastic and my mum and I decided to buy his album together. To this day it is one of my favourite albums and tragically you can't get it anymore although Raghu Lokanathan is still going strong (www.raghumusic.com)One There is a line in one of the songs that has followed me around for the past 15 years and regularly pops into my head when I meet new people.

 "If you ask me where I'm from I'll say everywhere I've ever been" 

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