Tuesday 22 October 2013

Getting through

Yesterday I went and had hip blocks put in to both of my hips. It is a procedure where the doctor puts an injection into your joint and injects a local anaesthetic and steroid. It's not a nice procedure to have done although yesterdays was less intrusive then when I had the dye put in for my MRI last year because that went into the groin and this Dr went in from my outer thigh, really where you think of when you think of your hip. You're normally given a sedative or a general but for me to get the blocks done before I have to go back to London the only appointment they could give me was yesterday and there was no one around who could sedate me.

The first one went in fairly straightforward. It hurt but was endurable. My body seems to react to the intensity of the pain by making me laugh, not just a little chuckle, full on hysterical laughter. I've come to believe that when our body is going through something exceptional we react in one of three ways. You can go into shock. Cry and get very upset and panic or you reach this weird laugh hysteria. I went into crazy loon laugh mode.

The injection in the left side was nowhere near as easy. The needle wouldn't pass into the joint and it took longer. The team were wonderful, the doctor was great but it really hurt. The pain went up into my back and down my leg and when I thought surely he must be done the Dr apologised for not having it in place yet! I was sure he must have almost been finished but he hadn't been able to get the needle in the right place yet!

The nurse told me a few times how brave I was which sounded strange to me although I appreciated that she acknowledged (and the Dr too) that what was happening was really not an easy thing to go through and I coping well! The thing is, I didn't feel brave! As I laughed and ooo'ed and aaa aah aah  my way through the procedure I didn't exactly feel like a super hero!

However,  on the way home I realised what I did feel was proud of myself. I didn't cry or get overwhelmed. I went in and I endured it and managed to banter with the wonderful medical team. It's yet another nasty big hospital appointment that I've got through alone. These are the appointments that Tony can take me to but can't come in with me. I have to do it alone.

The Dr wanted me to be wheeled through into recovery on my 'trolley' and was happy to know I had a wheelchair. Having both done at once (well in one appointment) made me feel very unstable and wobbly and when we got home I fell up the stairs a bit, nothing dramatic, more of a stumble but I don't think there was anyway I was making it up the stairs alone. Enter my prince charming who put me over his shoulder and gave me a fire mans lift up the stairs. The hysterical pain induced laughing came back but I didn't have to climb the stairs!

Over night was really hard, the pain wasn't only in my hips but down my legs, into my back, randomly my feet hurt, my tummy felt like I had pulled a muscle and my wrists hurt?? What is that about?! I guess it's the hypermobility syndrome, the feet and wrists possibly from where I was clenching so much during the injections? My pelvis and feet felt SO heavy. I managed two hours sleep in two one hour blocks and haven't managed to catch up on any today which is a bit of a bummer. I am so rubbish at sleeping during the day though.

I'm back at the pain clinic Thursday but the next two big appointment to come are both in London one of the 8th November and the other on the 15th.

To try to keep my mind off the pain last night I went on a bit of an online shopping spree! Whoops! Anyway I feel far more organised for Christmas (I know, I know, it's October but I'm making loads of presents this year!) and I also brought all the decorations for Amelia-Rose's birthday (which is, erm... January!) oh and did a food shop.

Hopefully these blocks will bring a bit of calm, I am SO ready for manageable pain.

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