Saturday 19 October 2013

"The sun is shining the tank is clean"

Today has been a really super day. For no reason really but my spirit has just been 'on one' all day. Poor Amelia-Rose has been so poorly this week and any mother can tell you caring for a poorly child is often both exhausting and heart breaking and whilst yesterday I felt like I had been hit by a train I've felt really good today.

I've managed to do that thing again where I can separate the day I have from the pain I've experienced. Win!

Amelia-Rose was a little ball of energy this morning which was lovely to see, we hung out together playing Barbies (her choice!) and I emptied out a cardboard box of its bubble wrap and we spent a good 45 minutes stomping on it. It was such good fun! Granted her stomping was a little more enthusiastic then mine but it was so wonderful just to be goofy for a while.

My mum has started coming round once a week to do some housework for me (as I can't hoover etc) which is much appreciated and afterwards today we went out for lunch at the Red Brick Café. Man, I don't know what it is about that place but it is magical. It oozes creative energy, everyone there is just having a great time and enjoying the great food and atmosphere. It's a really special place. I was thinking when Amelia-Rose starts school full time I would love to take my notebook and pen and go alone to do some writing.

It left me feeling inspired and I buzzed for the rest of the afternoon. I have times when I am going around our town that I feel like I could just burst sunshine! I never thought where I live could make me so happy but it really does. It's the most amazing place.

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