Sunday 13 April 2014

A gentle weekend

This weekend despite still feel rough as... Well, lets leave it as rough shall we! ;-) I have made an effort for Amelia-Rose's sake to get up and appear 'normal mum'. It didn't start too great as Friday night my insomnia kicked in and I got absolutely no sleep! It did mean though that by 7.30am my over tired hyper energy had kicked in and I decided to make hot cross buns! 'Normal' for me involves baking!

They were a real hit with everyone from my year old nephew to my husband!

Whilst I was waiting for the hot cross buns to prove I showed Amelia-Rose how to make a boat out of an egg box (thanks pinterest) and later when my nephews came over I showed my older nephew (age 3!) how to do it too.

Tony took Amelia-Rose to the local museum which is her favourite outing in our town. It closes in the winter and she really misses it! It's a shame because I think she would love to do that on her birthday! It's a good museum but it is fairly small, that doesn't bother Amelia-Rose though! The fact that it's free means she gets to go whenever she asks as long we we have a free day. Another local museum she love is the dinosaur museum but that's fairly pricey for what it is and is a 20 minute car ride away meaning they can't just pop in.

Today Amelia-Rose and I spent most the morning playing (for some of the time we had frustrating fun with her aqua beads!) then Tony took her to the supermarket to get a few bits then she went to church with my parents.

The last time I went to church was when I was embarassingly ended up doubled over in agony and being taken out by paramedics on a stretcher and started my two weeks in hospital. It will take a while to rebuild my confidence to go back.

In the evening we cleaned out our stick insects. We had them before but they all died. They only have a life span of 12 months and I got them to teach Amelia-Rose about the life cycle. You can't really get emotionally attached to a stick insect even if you are five. I had them as a teenager so know all about them. When they had all eventually died (they died over the course of a few months) I emptied the tank but left some eggs on the bottom thinking I would give it a proper clean out when I put the fish in there. Never in a million years did I think they would hatch!

A few weeks later when I was dusting I noticed 5 tiny baby insects in there with their eggs still attached!! We couldn't believe it! We put some privet in leaving the remaining eggs and the next time we looked there was 7, then 10!

Yesterday I noticed oddly there was a moth inside!! Today we cleaned them out all together and released the moth outside. We all had our jobs, I took the insects out and passed them to Amelia-Rose who put them in a tub and Tony watched the tub. They are quick little gits when they want to be! As I was taking the leafs out I found the moth's cacoon that we have saved so she can take it into school. We counted a staggering 18 insects!! All various sizes!

As the weather has been so.beautiful and my tulips are all in full bloom I took a turn about the garden (as Jane Austen characters would say! ) and plenty of beautiful albeit slightly abstract in some cases photos of the tulips.

I was excited to see some green shoots and buds on my apple tree. I bought it in October from the local garden centre when it was full of delicious apples. The poor thing is still in the pot I bought it in but Tony hasn't the time to get it in the ground. I don't bland him at all, with the amount he has on his plate it would be harsh of me to be cross about it! It's just a shame. I did get a quote from a guy but it felt a bit steep for our budget! Perhaps a local who reads my blog might like to come and dig it a hole ;-) ;-)

I'll put all the relevant pictures from the weekend below. All in all bar the insomnia and still feeling so horribly full and comfortable it's been a nice weekend. This week is operation Easter! Hopefully crafts galore! I had wanted to make Amelia-Rose an Easter countdown but I haven't been well enough. This week as we are in the spirit I am hoping to make it this week ready for next year.

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