Sunday, 29 September 2013

Brain fog

Just a quick post today because I really want to try to capture how this feels.

I am having the worst experience of brain fog to date and it's really horrible.

Today started badly because I left the house at 9am and my mobility scooter broke down at the top of the road. I was half on and half off the path as we had just crossed the road and the thing went completely dead. Fortunately an off duty policeman was on hand to help move it! I rang my Dad and he came to meet me and pushed the blasted thing home but it meant I had to walk. It's a very short disance that would take the average joe 2 minutes but took me on my crutches over 10. It REALLY highlighted how bad my mobility has become.

Anyway some when the brain fog hit and it's gripped me all day.

So what does this brain feel fog feel like?

Imagine, if you can the way noise sounds when you're under water, your hearing is muffled yet extrememly sensitive and everything seems louder. Nothing sounds crisp as it should.
Now let your eyes rest on something and fall slightly out of focus, its a small difference but everything appears out of focus and if you move your eyes too quickly you feel dizzy.

Your thoughts feel all over the place and slow, like your brain is working in slow motion and yet life continues at the normal pace around. It feels as if you are drifting out of your body and your brain isn't quite attached right. Sentences are hard and you can be mid sentence, sometimes mid word and you completely forget what you're saying. You don't just lose your train of thought you completely forget.

Imagine trying to concentrate but just not being able to perhaps in the way one does when they are drunk.

And it feels like all your muscles are tingling, it isn't pain but it isn't pleasant.

I had unavoidable shopping to do today and being in town feeling like this was really quite distressing, I could feel my heart beat in my throat! I felt like a rabbit caught in headlights.
Now, if you can, imagine all the both, let the creation of this feeling absorb you... now smile and tell people that you're ok.

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