Sunday, 10 August 2014

VEDA day 9; The harsh truth of Hypermobility Syndrome

Perhaps the joy of video blogging is that even on the really awful pain days I am still able to convey to the world how bad it has become. Both a blessing and a curse.

I went back and forth many times before actually posting this but in the same way my blog is all about honesty and what it is really like to live with Hypermobility Syndrome I wanted my YouTube channel to be the same.

It would be bitterly unfair of me to portray the day to day living of Hypermobility Syndrome but conveniently sweep the really bad days under the virtual rug and pretend they don't happen, which I guess for reasons of self preservation I like to do for myself (Who wants to admit to that much suffering?) but I can't do that to the rest of the community though. Their suffering is as real as mine and I don't want to encourage people to head their friends and family in the way of my channel to understand more about their lives for me not to honestly convey it.

So for that reason, after growing a pair. I can say to you all.... This is what happened this weekend. Can't say it's the easiest thing I have ever shared with YouTube. But I'm a gal on a mission.

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