Friday, 30 December 2016

I wrote this on the 15th December but I think now is the time to share it. My husband is many wonderful things but he is not a question mark! 

On Sunday we went to the garden centre to see the beautiful displays, meet Father Christmas and most exciting to me was meeting another EDS lady Gemma. Who is just totally wonderful. We had a really good time, the pain got a bit crazy but being with Tony and Amelia-Rose did the great job of being a reason to ‘put on a brave face’ I know I don’t have to with them but it’s good, it gives you something to concentrate on rather then the pain. When we got home  there was a Christmas Card. What a delight! Our first hand delivered card of the season! Then I hear a scoff and “Well that’s charming isn’t it’” from Tony “What?” I ask and he hands me the card… To Chloe Amelia-Rose and ?” It was kind of these people to send a card and I think building each other up instead of tearing each other down and so I thank them for their Christmas cheer but ? ? Surely Chloe and family To a couple & Amelia-Rose From us to you but ?

My husband is not a ? He is my comedian who can make me laugh 5 minutes before I’m due to go down for a fairly big operation, he makes me laugh on the bleakest most frustrating hardest days he makes me laugh when a joint is subluxed and I really am in agony. Don’t ask me how he just does.

He is my taxi driver who drives me to my various Dr and hospital appointments. Back in February when I was in hospital an hour away (if the traffic was good) for a month He would drive to me, spend the day with me helping me wash, talking, reading, laughing, trying to concentrate on the amazing out pouring of love from people who wrote so many get well cards. Then he would drive the hour home have a quick turn around from school then drive BACK to the hospital and eventually after the evening visit off he would go again to do it all over again the next day. For 30 days. 

But why? That seems excessive, was all that travelling really worth it? The simple answer is yes, yes it absolutely is because he is a Father too. The dash back in an hour to almost just turn around again was to ensure I saw my daughter everyday. He is phenomenal with Amelia-Rosea and the noise of them playing and laughing does quite literally warm my heart.

He’s like a journalist writing a auto biography about my life as he sits next to me and takes mental notes, sometimes written notes on what going on, where we are and where we are headed.

He is my guide, telling me which way is up when you’re so tossed around and tumbled up so up looks down, down looks up, left is right and right is left. When I stand up to transfer his are the hands that wrap around me as we cuddle for a moment and his is the voice that tells me “I’ve got you”

He is my alarm clock, if I’ve slept and I’m not awake first he is the person who kindly and gently wakes me up and already has my morning medication ready to take.

He’s my council and my comforter, there are times when life feels overwhelming, we all have them and he’s always there.

He is both my personal assistant and my security guard. Trying to make coffee dates for me with my friends if he sees them when nobody’s text to ask if I would like to go out or called round for a cuppa for a while but also knowing how to politely move us along if we’re out towards the end of the outing and he knows I just need to get home!

He is the cleaner, washer maid and chef, delivery service, cheer leader and lover,  he is my knight in shining armour suprising me with flowers and telling me his song “for us”  is ED Sheeren’s thinking out loud because the 1st two lines “When your legs don’t work like they use to before and I can’t sweep you off of your feet”

My husband is my fulltime carer and like many people who care full time for a loved one he wears many different hats and I could not be more grateful and I remind myself to make sure he knows that. My husband is many things but one thing he is not is a question mark.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful Chloe...As you know I have been in touch with you often during your great challenge and know just what terrific fighters you both are, what terrific parents you both are, and what a terrific couple you are! Continued success and enjoyment of life for 2017 and for ever!! love Pete xx


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