Friday, 8 August 2014

Where we are...

So we're three weeks into the holidays and we are having the best time. I must admit I was worried I was setting myself up for disappointment. I had so much I wanted to do with Amelia-Rose during the holidays but wasn't sure if I would ever be well enough to do it all!

So far so good though! I must admit I can't say I am doing a great job at pacing myself but I am trying to learn! I seem to be in that place where I go go go go go and then I crash which is something I must 'un learn', at least I am aware of it though and am trying to do something about it!

I am finding the only time I have to sit and write is when I am absolutely exhausted (like now) which sort of sucks but I do write when I can! I have an article that I have to edit and I need a good chunk of time do it but finding that time (again when I have the energy) is near on impossible!

My Youtube channel is getting some great feedback which is incredible. I never expected it to be so well received and have been blown away by people's honesty if they leave a comment or send me a message! It's amazing how when you're really deeply honest people feel content to respond with honesty.

It's a really scary thing to be honest and put yourself 'out there' and I was terrified at the idea of making the step from blogger to vlogger but I couldn't get rid of this feeling that it was something I was meant to do. (Don't you just hate that feeling ;-) It's like a feeling of "No God!! Not me! Not now! Get someone else to do it! Ha! Obviously you might not get that if you don't believe in God though!)

Anywho, I have been filming and editing daily vlogs which I must admit I have grown to love. It is such an amazing way to record our lives because Lord knows how bad my memory is now! I love sitting and watching all the footage I recorded that day. I actually wish we had been doing it for years! I generally try to edit it into a film of 15 minutes or less for the sake of YouTube but I have all of this extra amazing footage 'just for us'.

I am digging deep and trying to 'be brave' in a way that I am normally rubbish at. In terms of doctors, procedures without sedation, hospital appointments and operations I generally think I am pretty darn brave but when it comes to putting myself sort of forward for stuff I am RUBBISH at 'being brave'. Being a singer and performer you may not believe that but honestly it's true.

The other day I happened across an amazing website that sells eco friendly and vegan make up. I've managed to find eye shadows etc but have struggled to find companies that sell 'the whole face' make up range, especially really nice bronzers and blushers. I browsed through the website and fell in love with it.

I thought how awesome it would be to review the products on my channel and decided to email the contact email and ask if I could. I guess I have a fear of rejection so doing things like that take a lot of courage for me but I went ahead and did it anyway. It turns out it was well worth it because I got the sweetest email back and they not only offered me an amazing discount but they also said that if I did review them they would also offer the readers of my blog and my YouTube channel viewers a 20% discount with a special code generated just for us!!

I ordered the make up at about 1am Thursday morning and they arrived Friday morning and I absolutely love them! I am going to write a proper review and film a tutorial and review with them to go along with the videos I made of my opening the package. I was so excited it was ridiculous! Honestly the silliest things make me excited!

The other 'brave' thing I did recently was to get in touch with a fellow YouTuber who I have been watching for a while. Her channel is called (and indeed she is called) dearmamasal and she VLOGS on her way to work everyday. The camera is set up on her dashboard and she talks about, well, life really!

I am a great believer in affirming people and wanted to message her to say 'good job' but I felt a bit shy! I eventually went ahead and did it anyway and again I got the sweetest email back. Not only that though she also shared a few of my videos with her viewers and we've exchanged message pretty much every other day or so since. I think she is one of the most like minded people that I have come across recently. Once again my 'being brave' was rewarded although this time with a new friend.

It's amazing what you get back if you put yourself out there.

I am deeply sorry but I am going to have to stop here and not go back and check/edit what I have written. I have the most awful headache and its making me feel quite sick. I really wanted to give you all a full update but I am going to have to stop writing and lay down in the dark. It's only 9.30 but because it's overcast and rainy its already dark outside.

Sorry for any spelling, grammar or just general 'that doesn't make sense' mistakes.


C x x (Check out the VLOG here!)

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